True Christians are disciples of Jesus.
True Christians are disciples of Jesus.
Yes. Every person, including Jesus, was given a measure of faith at birth.
Compare the measure of faith in Romans 12:3 (above) to what Jesus said:
The Bible is not inconsistent. Therefore, every man (person) has a measure of faith. The original apostles asked Jesus to increase it, to which He responded as if they had none. We know Jesus was speaking by the Spirit of God. Thus, there must be, and is, a difference between the faith of a man and the faith of Jesus the Christ. The difference is attributed to the Spirit of God dwelling in Jesus; that same Spirit is the reason He is the Christ.
When we are born again, the Spirit of God dwells in us, and we have the same kind of faith Jesus had because we are part of Him.
The faith of Jesus enables us to do the Father's will personally and individually! Now we know why He said:
Yes. If there are two kinds of faith, there must be two kinds of works.
For the born again, the "first works" correspond to our confession and repentance from sin as we become born again by faith. (Jesus was sinless and without need of repentance.)
The "later works" correspond to the works Jesus did by faith.
The later works are by the Spirit in us, enabling the faith of Jesus to be ours.
Works that many people do of their own accord can result in being rejected by Jesus Himself.
...God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.
Romans 12:3.
And the Lord said, If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye might say unto this sycamine tree, Be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea; and it should obey you.
Luke 17:5-6.
There are two kinds of faith associated with mankind, including Jesus, the son of man. Both kinds of faith are of man and are consistently associated with the “measure of faith” given to every person. See, Romans 12:3 and Luke 17:5-6 above. The born-again place their entire measure of faith in Jesus Christ alone, and in return, we receive the Spirit by which we are born again and receive the benefit and power of His faith; the faith of Jesus. His faith is the only way we can reliably know and do the Father's will.
The unsaved have their measure of faith in whatever in this world they choose to put their faith in but it all perishes.
The Word says faith without works is dead, meaning faith without action is meaningless.
Salvation is a gift of God, but faith is needed for salvation and salvation has some works associated with it, or salvation through faith is dead, i.e., you aren't saved. Confession of sin and repentance from sin are the first works of faith for the born-again believer. The Bible is not inconsistent, but compare:
Thus, the "not of works" in Ephesians 2:8-9 (above) should be considered the "works to earn" salvation because salvation cannot be earned; it is a gift. That gift is the power to become the sons of God like Jesus is if we believe.
The power to become a son of God is exercised through belief in Jesus (the Word) and He said to repent from sin or perish. When we believe in Him and repent we have exercised the power to become a son of God and become a child of God.
The faith/works connection also means without faith (and the associated first works) we cannot prove the will of God and please Him.
As a child of God, we now have the faith of Jesus. The problem is, most people don't believe or know that part, and they stay an infant and bear little fruit.
Because there are two kinds of faith (1. mankind's faith and 2. the faith of Jesus-the Messiah), there must be two kinds of works as well, the "works of man" and the "works of God". Compare:
Recall that the “first works” of faith for the born again include the acts of confession and repentance. They are the start of the amendments of lifestyle we will experience as we grow in Him, the body of believers in Christ, i.e., the children of God. The “last works” are the type of works Jesus did Himself (as the works of God) as God, and they are “greater” than the “first works” we do.
In short, the first works originate in us by the choice of our will, the will of man, to become sons of God and live in heaven. Our first works of confession and repentance are the exercise of the power Jesus gave us to become the sons (children) of God. Consider Jesus as the "man bridge" to God the Father.
When we are born again, the "later works" we do actually originate in Him (Jesus the Christ) because we live as part of His body and do the will of God by the quickening of the Holy Ghost the same way He (Jesus) did as a man. Our later works are of the Word and by the power of the Holy Ghost according to the will of the Father and not of ourselves. The glory always goes to Jesus lest we glory in men or ourself.
Yes. Is there any wonder why the god of this world–the devil, tries to make the world seem so attractive to our flesh? As a result, some people love the world and its ways, have faith in it, and concentrate their efforts on temporal gain in the world for the sake of enjoyment.
Conversely, the born-again live to promote the ways of God according to His will, and our actions prove we are His children. As His children, Jesus included, we seek to do God's good works even if our flesh has no interest in it, which is often the case. For example, no doubt the flesh of Jesus did not want to go to the cross and suffer the excruciating death He ultimately suffered.
I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me. John 5:30.
As His disciples, everyone born again of the Spirit has a ministry because we represent Him as His ambassadors!
One way to summarize the faith and works connection is:
We place all our faith in Him (Jesus and the Word) to become born again. The moment we become born again through our profession of faith, the faith of Jesus becomes ours through the Spirit. We then do the works and miracles Jesus did as He said we would!
Albany, Oregon
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