True Christians are the disciples of Jesus, the Word of God.
True Christians are the disciples of Jesus, the Word of God.
There is mercy for all for a time, and grace for some forever.
For the law was given by Moses,
but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.
John 1:17.
Yes, but only for a time. God gives His mercy to everyone until we die or the time comes when the Father sends Jesus back to get us, His children, whichever comes first. If you are not born again of the Spirit, you are not a child of God and will be left behind, but His present mercy gives everyone time to repent and become born again and saved, now. The problem is that nobody knows when they will die or when Jesus will return to take the saved to heaven with Him.
Postponing repentance and putting off getting saved (born again) is the biggest gamble anyone can ever make! If they lose the gamble, they lose their soul in the torment of hell forever with the devil.
Become born again and saved now!
Caution: The devil loves those who gamble with their own souls and will help them stay sinful. God's wrath is reserved for the devil and all who do not become born again through repentance. Don't gamble, don't put it off, stop relying on mercy, and start receiving the true grace of God from Jesus the Christ in love and live forever-He proved it!
Grace is often misunderstood and stretched beyond its meaning and intent by those who wish to avoid repentance or teach it isn't necessary. To them:
For a proper understanding, we start with the simple fact that grace and truth came from Jesus Christ.
Therefore, when reading the term grace in the New Testament of the Bible think of Jesus-the Word of God as the source thereof.
Grace is the essence of the Word of God and Truth is the essence of the Spirit of Truth (the Holy Ghost). They are the two witnesses, as comforters for us as we seek to live according to the Father's will. Still, some people say, grace merely asks us to live the best we can as we did before we were saved, because God is loving.
By definition, grace is not a covering for sin or a means to avoid repentance for any reason, including God's making them that way. It's worth knowing that the Word says some people are the vessels of wrath fitted for destruction.
Are you a vessel fitted for destruction? Choose life!
Yes. When the first man sinned he gained the capability to know evil because he chose it. Thus, from the first transgression, all of mankind came to possess the knowledge of good and evil in their conscience. (No, God wasn't surprised by mankind's disobedience and transgression of His will.)
Simply stated, the conscience of man now knows right from wrong.
Many, however, ignore their conscience and avoid repentance from sin for so long that it becomes shipwrecked and/or seared shut.
Others, even those professing to be saved, are prone to dead works that satisfy their flesh but not God. They do them to appease God as if saying, "its good enough for us, so it's good enough for Him." In fact, God said:
Therefore, to all with a damaged conscience such as a churchy life filled with dead works:
Albany, Oregon
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