True Christians are the disciples of Jesus, the Word of God.
True Christians are the disciples of Jesus, the Word of God.
The King James Bible.
Yes. Everybody has sinned except Jesus. He literally lived by the Word of God because He IS the Word of God (i.e., God); it was in Him from the moment of conception in the womb without physical contact.
The Father placed His Word inside a human when He conceived His begotten son by the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of Truth. Jesus is "God with us," Emmanuel, the Messiah, because of the Word in Him.
The begotten son, Jesus, became the servant of the Father on earth. Remember, the Word of God is a statement of the Father's will for all mankind.
Jesus is the person called the Messiah by the Jewish people from before His crucifixion, after it, always, and forever. As the Messiah, He is the highest priest. As the highest priest, He fulfilled the Word of God by the testimony of the Father.
Jesus, God inside the flesh.
In fulfilling the Jewish prophesies of the Old Testament, Jesus gave His body to be killed. In the process, He shed His blood before and from the cross to which He was nailed in hands and feet. His body died on the cross for the atonement of sin for everyone, not just the Jews.
When Jesus was raised from the dead, alive by the Holy Ghost (the Spirit of Truth), His life before and after His death proved the Word is true; the Word never dies or changes, and the Word truly is God. Now ask yourself, "What person in their right mind would ever change the Word of God to remove the references to the spirit of the Father Himself (the Spirit of Truth aka the Holy Ghost)?"
Comment: Please understand that, as a man, the enemy tempted Jesus to sin because Jesus had flesh, but Jesus did not sin. In other words, Jesus was capable of sin as a human because He had human flesh (and a will of the flesh), but He did not sin because He is the Word of God and believed in who He is.
We must believe the Word to live forever. Remember, when we believe in Jesus and His Word, we get the power to become sons of God from Him, the only begotten son of God according to the Father's will. Only Jesus can make that claim everywhere. He proved it with His life, death, and life again.
Yes. Anyone who is serious about doing the Father's will uses the King James Bible (the "Bible") instead of, or alongside, the modern books called "versions" of the Bible. Why? There are many reasons, including the versions improperly changing the term Holy Ghost to Holy Spirit; the versions cannot be reconciled using only words in them; they confuse the meaning of God; and they are known to inspire faulty teachings of religion (e.g., cessationism), to name a few.
Please be careful. Do not let your study be misdirected (misled) by a version other than the King James Bible. Study the foundations presented here, then compare and see for yourself.
The Bible contains two parts, the Old Testament (old covenant) and the New Testament (new covenant). Thus, the Word of God includes the Old Testament even though the New Testament is the current covenant. The Old Testament laid the foundation for the New Testament.
In Old Testament times (before Jesus), the Jews were the people chosen to receive the Word of God. They were the servant body of the Father. Their mission was fulfilled in Jesus the Christ.
The Old Testament required an annual blood sacrifice to atone for the sins of the Jewish people as a nation. The Old Testament spoke of Jesus as their Messiah and the one who would set all people free from the penalty of sin and eternal death in hell.
Everyone born again today is born of the Spirit under the new covenant, not the old. Thus, we study the New Testament first, knowing it is the current covenant.
The question then becomes, what anointed Jesus the Christ to make Him the anointed one and the Messiah, the one who is anointed?
The Word in Him from conception is the reason He is the anointed one, and the Holy Ghost is the reason He is the Messiah sent to do the will of God the Father on earth as the "one who is anointed."
We, the born again, are anointed by the Word and the Holy Ghost. We live "in Him" and serve our Father as His ambassador in His stead.
Albany, Oregon
You may use, copy, link to, and distribute anything on this site provided you give attribution naming where you got it. You may not create derivative works from the content provided here. People did that to the King James Bible, and in doing so, they caused a lot of confusion and led people astray. Jesus said, I give you power over all the power of the enemy, and nothing by any means shall hurt you!
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