True Christians are the disciples of Jesus, the Word of God.
True Christians are the disciples of Jesus, the Word of God.
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Romans 12:2.
Yes, if anyone thinks of the ways of this world as their friend, they are on the path of the enemy, the god of this world.
Yes. Many people believe they can live any lifestyle they choose in direct contradiction to God's Word and still be considered saved. Sadly, because of their pro-longed intentional rejection of the Word of God, the Father Himself gave them up to their vile affections and gave them over to a reprobate mind.
Yes. All things are possible with God.
In order to be saved, a person must confess their sin and repent from it according to the Father's will.
He knows everything and His Word is sharper than any double-edged sword.
That means His Word gives eternal life for the believer and eternal death for the unbeliever. The identity of anyone who won't repent is already known by God.
Thus, anyone claiming to be saved but does not desire to live by the Word of God as their lifestyle has a heart separated from God because of His Word.
He knows who the posers are.
Yes. Many people will not repent of their sins and yet claim in error to be saved, because God will not be mocked.
The Word is God.
The Word will not be mocked.
Therefore, the identity of anyone who won't repent is already known by God. From His perspective, a person who refuses to repent of their sin is a vessel fitted for destruction according to the Father's will.
For example, the LBGTQ+ communities refuse the notion they are sinful and defend themselves by saying, "God made me this way." Remember, God gave them up, i.e., let them have, their chosen lifestyle filled with vile affections. He also gave them over to a reprobate mind to believe the lie He made them LGBTQ+. From that perspective, God made them vessels fitted for destruction in hell because He knows many of them won't repent.
Make no mistake in understanding, the same holds true for every sinner who will not repent.
The question we should be asking the LBGTQ+ community members, and all sinners, is this:
Are you a vessel fitted for destruction?
Beware: LGBTQ+ lifestyles are not God's will, and anyone advocating such a lifestyle, participant or not, is a "worker of iniquity".
Workers of iniquity prove they are not of Christ Jesus and remain the lost. See Matthew 7:21-23, and Luke 13:26-27.
There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.
1 Corinthians 10:13.
The Word is a way out of temptation.
The scriptures in Matthew chapter 4 and Luke chapter 4 recount the interaction between Jesus and the devil.
When the flesh of Jesus was physically weak from not eating, the devil tempted Him.
The devil tempted Jesus to perform a miracle to satisfy His flesh as if God's will was insufficient to sustain Him.
When one temptation (enticement) ended, the next temptation began.
The devil tempted Jesus to prove Himself as God, as if He was insecure about His own sufficiency.
(The Word of God is God. It is not for show or a spectacle as some use it. God almighty has nothing to prove, and neither do you. God will use all of us to benefit others He has called to be saved through belief in Christ Jesus and the cross.)
The devil tempted Jesus again, pledging to give Him all of the riches and wealth of the world if Jesus would bow to the devil. Recall that the devil is the god of this world, and it has insinuated itself into all of the kingdoms of this world.
Many people bow to the god of this world today believing God and His ways are insufficient. This is not to say work or wealth is evil, but the love of money is. If you value wealth (money) more than God, it is evil to you.
For example, the wealthy born again only support those ministries that teach and encourage an individual relationship with the Father through the Word and the Holy Ghost dwelling inside the believer. Otherwise, they, too, are supporting a middleman who obstructs man's pathway to the Father in heaven. For example, nobody should support the catholic religion because their entire religious system is built on a middleman that separates the individual from God.
The same way Jesus did. Jesus always wore the whole armor of God and used the Word of God in Him to resist the enemy whenever He was tempted. We successfully resist the same way. We submit ourselves to God as all-sufficient for us. We rely on the mind of Christ (the Word dwelling in us) while wearing the armor of God, standing ready to be led by the Holy Ghost that also dwells in us. The Spirit will tell us what to say and do. It works every time, and we get stronger (more reliant on the Spirit) every time. That's why we rejoice!
Let's learn of Jesus the Word! Everyone starts with the New Testament (the new covenant) of the Word of God. The Old Testament is the old covenant. It's there for foundational support.
Obviously, the weapons we use against the enemy do not come from us as carnal humans; they come from God, the Spirit.
Remember, the Holy Ghost teaches us all things and reminds us of whatever Jesus said.
The devil tempted Jesus and quoted the Word, albeit contextually incorrect. Still, the enemy recognizes the power of the Word and seeks to corrupt it and make it of no effect. Jesus used the Word to resist (repel) the enemy and its temptations. Therefore, we do two things:
1. Dismiss the thought that God is insufficient for us as Jesus-the Word did with the mind of Christ;
2. Wear the armor of God and trust in it to stand firm against the enticements of the enemy.
Steadfast in the faith requires being strong in the Lord knowing our Father (God) and His ways are sufficient for us. That is the mind of Christ. The power of the Lord's might is the whole armor of God we wear because we are His children, born again of His Spirit.
Those of us who see the lost should instruct them in meekness as Jesus did, but meekness does not mean weakness or hiding the truth. We use the authority and power over all the enemy's power when we wear the armor of God and speak the Word of God.
God's Word is true, powerful, and sharper than any double-edged sword. Use it to vanquish the enemy, not eviscerate those taken captive by the enemy.
In fact, the Bible says the Word brings truth, and the truth shall set them free.
If they don't want the truth, or refuse to repent to get it, they don't want to be free from the sin they enjoy. Do we pity them? Yes, because they are damned and have no idea how lost they are or they wouldn't choose to remain lost and damned.
Any fear that God or His ways (will) is insufficient to sustain us proves fear is of the enemy. Remember, God bound the devil to the state of fear. The born again (saved) receive grace for their fears because we resist sin in faith God is all-sufficient. The lost rely on mercy alone for salvation.
The only thing the enemy can give you is fear. Don't take it. Stay believing always.
Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.
Deuteronomy 31:6.
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
2 Timothy 1:7.
Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.
Luke 10:19-20 (emphasis added).
We all have weaknesses in the flesh. Whenever we value the things of the world more desirable than the things of God, lust is conjured in our minds and we are enticed in the body by the temptation of opportunity from the enemy to sin.
Whenever we think about fulfilling our lust for carnal satisfaction, we ignore the sufficiency of God and make ourselves prone to sin. Challenging the sufficiency of God IS the pathway of destruction the enemy (the devil) knows all about. Recall God bound the enemy in a state of terror (fear) for challenging God's sufficiency.
And, God did not send the enemy to terrorize mankind or give us a spirit of fear.
Although we are born again, we have the flesh of a sinful, carnal human like everyone. Like everyone, our flesh has a will of the flesh. The will of the flesh opposes the will of God because all flesh is sinful by nature. However, the weapons of our warfare against the enemy's enticements are of the Spirit of God and not carnal because the enemy isn't carnal even though its enticements are for the natural (carnal) man.
For completeness, the unsaved have no weapons against the enemy.
We must know, the enemy is the evil spirit in the world. It attacks us through our sinful flesh. The enemy has watched us our entire lives, looking to provide us with an opportunity to sin.
The unbeliever is totally unaware and easy prey because a fleshly life is all they know. We must help them come to know the Gospel of Salvation.
Jesus said to have faith in God (the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost).
The Holy Ghost (Spirit of Truth) tells us what to do in every situation, but we must listen.
Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you.
James 4:7-8.
Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.
Matthew 26:41; see also, Mark 14:38.
No. He rebuked the devil's temptations using the Word of God and went on about the Father's business of sharing the gospel (good news) of salvation for all who will believe it.
That's what the born again do and we go on about the Father's business like Jesus did.
No. If Jesus said we have been given the power over all the power of the enemy, the devil, why fight the enemy? The enemy knows the born again believer has the power of the Spirit over it, but it wants you to forget or ignore it. How can we have power over all the enemy's power but still want to fight it? That's stupid and goes against the will of God.
Remember, Jesus said, don't rejoice in the fact you have power of all the power of the enemy, but rejoice you live forever.
Remember the Word says the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God, the Spirit. How can our weapons be mighty through God who gives us power over all the power of the enemy and then still find ourselves in a predicament where we are tasked to fight the enemy, also a spirit? Again, this makes no sense.
So, let's look to the New Testament of Word of God and find out what the word says about fight under the new covenant. The Word talks about fighting the good fight of faith.
Our fight is to love the Lord thy God with all of our being.
If we do that, the Spirit takes care of all the pathway to heaven stuff. Hence, the enemy has no power over us. The battle is with our own flesh. That's the "spiritual warfare" we are in.
No. He took authority over the enemy and commanded it to shut up and get out of His way as He continued to do the Father's work in spreading the good news (gospel) of salvation for all who believe. That is not external warfare. It is the exercise of God’s will in power because nothing shall prevail against the power of God, even in concept, because there is no possibility for the Spirit of God ever to be successfully challenged.
People may think they can challenge God but cannot. If they do, they do the work of the devil who is bound to hell because of that same sentiment. That's how the enemy deceives even the very elect of God. Thus, there is no external warfare. Again, Jesus rebuked the enemy's fleshly temptations by the Word of God, the Spirit in Him.
(For completeness, there is a spiritual battle in the end when Jesus returns with His angels and casts the devil and all evil into hell, but that is not now.)
No, but some how the answer seems like it should be "yes" because of what the faulty religious doctrines teach. If we look to Jesus as our example as we should and know we have the faith of Jesus when we are born again, we too engage the enemy the same way Jesus did.
That leaves what some call “spiritual warfare” against the enemy, but the title is misleading. Any spiritual warfare we face now is in us as the enemy uses outside influences causing us to live outside-in (worldy and a friend of the world) rather than inside-out by the Spirit. As the born again, any "spiritual warfare" is confined to us living "inside-out' by the Spirit and fighting the ways of the world (the will of the enemy) from creeping in, not with the devil outside of us. Of course, there are evil people and factions in the world that try to overpower or even kill us, but we don't fear anyone that can kill our bodies.
From the reference of the born again, the battle is within ourselves even though some of the principalities, powers, rulers, and others in high places in this world, are often led by the enemy, the devil.
The god of this world, the enemy, is there to distract us from who we are, and we wrestle with the enemy's distractions.
The battlefield is in our mind and body.
(Consider the madness in the world today: Gender fluidity, the Alphabet+ culture, love of money and praise of riches over God, etc. Therefore, if our weak sinful flesh leads us to hell if we aren’t born again of the Spirit, how then can that same sinful flesh fight the devil and be successful when the devil truly is the epitome of sin and hell itself as the literal walls (vessel) of hell? It can't.)
Everyone who is born again is set about to share the gospel of salvation. In this world we encounter an enemy that wants to stop us. We must:
Albany, Oregon
You may use, copy, link to, and distribute anything on this site provided you give attribution naming where you got it. You may not create derivative works from the content provided here. People did that to the King James Bible, and in doing so, they caused a lot of confusion and led people astray. Jesus said, I give you power over all the power of the enemy, and nothing by any means shall hurt you!
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