True Christians are the disciples of Jesus, the Word of God.
True Christians are the disciples of Jesus, the Word of God.
God is a Spirit.
God is almighty and supreme. Everything was created by God as THE Father of everything; otherwise, He is not God.
Only God is holy, Holy, HOLY (Isaiah 6:3 and Revelation 4:8). In truth, the entire concept of holiness is of and from God as the Father.
Knowing only God is Holy by nature and God is a Spirit (John 4:24), we know God is not only a holy Spirit, He is THE Holy Spirit.
Never forget, ALL of God IS the one and only Holy Spirit because no other Spirit is Holy, period.
God is also love.
The God kind of love is clearly different from mankind's love. Love of/from God is holy because the source is naturally holy. Mankind's brand of love cannot be holy because the source is not naturally holy.
In the most literal sense, God gives of Himself in His love because He is literally the best of everything conceivable. Otherwise, He is not God. Therefore, the best gifts are of God and from Himself, as the one and only Holy Spirit.
As a loving Father, explained in the next sections titled "Who is God?", God is THE Father to all who want to be His children, and His children call Him Father.
Unlike God, who is a Spirit-THE Holy Spirit, man is carnal and made of flesh from the elements of the earth.
King James Bible, the New Testament
We know God is THE Holy Spirit, but WHO is He?
First, we must understand and remember that the will of God is the supreme law of the universe and all of creation because He made it and everything possible. He reveals Himself to us according to His will, as He decides. Thus, all aspects of God's persona that He chooses to use as a revelation of Himself are God, and each is part of the one and only Holy Spirit throughout time and the universe forever.
The Holy Spirit is the general term for God, but who is He specifically?
Per His will, like a true loving Father, God has revealed Himself to us in three ways. Again, each of the three ways is, by definition, a Holy Spirit and THE Holy Spirit because God is one Spirit, and each of the three individual presentations (personas) of God is God. Think of an apple pie divided into three large pieces. The whole pie is apple pie, and each piece is apple pie.
The Bible tells us the three revelations of God, the Holy Spirit, as personas and presentations so that we may come to know Him, from both:
When we compare the two perspectives, we find the great revelation of Himself that He intended, i.e., according to His will.
From the perspective of heaven, the Spirit realm ("God in heaven"),
The Holy Spirit (God) is individually and collectively the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost.
From the perspective of earth, the physical realm ("God with us on earth"), the Father said:
The Father said He has a servant, a soul, and a spirit (lowercase "s" intended) by which we can know Him on earth. For now, think of the Father's spirit as truth!
To recap, God is the Holy Spirit. The (Holy) Spirit is not human. It is made of three parts. One of those is a sense of truth called a spirit of truth inherent in it. You will learn that everyone has a sense of truth, a spirit of truth, or simply a spirit in them. Stated another way, God and man each have their own servant (something utilitarian like a body), a soul (life), and a spirit (truth).
(Note: The King James New Testament of the Bible uses both the capital "S" when referring to the Spirit of God as God being the Holy Spirit and lowercase "s" for the spirit (truth) as an element partially comprising a persona including the Father and every person, respectively. Understanding the context is important, and it's easy if we understand who and what God and man are.)
King James Bible, the New Testament
First of all, God the Father wants us to know Him! We come to know Him by learning of Him. We learn of Him by studying and obeying His Word. That is why He gave it to us.
Speaking on behalf of the Father, a man named Jesus said:
When we study His Word and match the three personas of God in heaven (in the Spirit realm) to the three presentations of God here on earth (in the physical human realm), we discover who He is and know He is relatable. After all, He chose the personas and presentations according to His will so that we would know Him if we chose to learn of Him, so let's do that.
"God in heaven" (i.e., the personas of God in the Spirit):
matched with
"God on earth" (i.e., the presentations of God in the physical earth):
gives us this result:
(Any modern version of the Bible that changed "Holy Ghost" to "Holy Spirit" hides the Spirit of Truth and confuses. That is not a good idea under any circumstance. Stick with the King James Bible for the purest understanding.)
Yes. More specifically, the question is: are there scriptures that say the spirit (lower case "s" intended") of the Father is the Spirit of Truth (the Holy Ghost)? Yes.
Reproofs: The books of the New Testament written by Matthew and Mark recount many of the same events. One such event refers to the spirit (truth) of the Father as "the Spirit of your Father" (Matthew) and "the Holy Ghost" (Mark).
See also Romans chapter 8 and 1 Corinthians chapter 2.
Thus, disciples and authors of the King James New Testament understood the meaning, significance, and identity of the Holy Ghost as the Spirit of Truth in the context of God, the Father. They also understood the distinction between the term Holy Spirit partially comprised of the Holy Ghost and the Word, which agree together, bearing witness to the Father's will! The same cannot be said of any "version" of the New Testament that is not the King James; beware.
King James Bible, the New Testament
(The plural reference to "us" acknowledges the fact He regards Himself as a trinity of personas (the Father Himself, His Word, and His Truth); and a trinity of presentations (servant/body, soul, and spirit) for man's recognition of his likeness to Him as explained in detail below.)
Of course, God is eternal. The Father is eternal, His Word is eternal, and His Spirit of Truth (the Holy Ghost) is eternal. Therefore, mankind must also be eternal in some way in order for us to be created in His image and likeness, because He is eternal.
In the image of God, like God, there are three personas of every person. All people have a spirit contained within a living soul and housed within a servant-their body.
Mankind has a body (his servant), a soul (life in him), and a spirit (truth in him). Therefore, if God created man in His image, God the Father must present Himself on earth, in the physical realm, as having a servant body, a soul, and a spirit like His Word says mankind has for us to know Him. He does!
In the likeness of God, man is eternal. Even though his body on earth is perishable like a piece of fruit. Man's soul is eternal.
The soul of every man (person) is the life that is given to him as a possession.
Thus, each of us is our own god.
King James Bible, the New Testament
Jesus is a child of the Father (of the Spirit) and a child of mankind (of the flesh).
Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.
Matthew 1:23, see also Isaiah 7:14.
To appreciate who and what Jesus is as the first and only begotten human child of the Father (God), we must know the "nature" of the parents always determines the nature of their offspring. For example, zebras (animals) are born from zebras as animals, sparrows (birds) from sparrows as birds, perch (fish) from perch as fish, and people (humans) from people as humans. Being born of God means being born of the Spirit. Jesus was born a human child (mankind) and the Father's son (Spirit). Jesus is the ONE AND ONLY begotten (human-birthed) son of God the Father!
Recall that every person has a body, soul, and spirit.
Simply stated, the Word of God IS the spirit (truth) inside the man named Jesus the Christ.
The phrase "the Word was made flesh" (John 1:14) means the Word (Spirit) was given a flesh suit to dwell within because that which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit, see John 3:6. Therefore,
Believing in Jesus as the savior and the Word of God the Father gives the believer the power to become a son of God and do the works of God according to the Father's will, like the power inside a seed that grows a great tree.
Human history and the New Testament of the King James Bible.
Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest;
and how can we know the way?
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life:
no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
John 14:5-6.
The spirit (truth) of Jesus is the Word of God the Father. Thus, Jesus IS the Lord!
Yes. From the beginning of time and forever thereafter, the Word of God is God that created all things. All creatures (humans too) were crafted by the Word of God.
As humans, our first introduction to God is by the Word of God. The Word is in the Bible. Jesus, the Word, said:
When Jesus offered Himself (His body, soul, and spirit) on the cross, He shed His blood and died. He did so in love to cleanse us from the death penalty for our sins and gave us the power to become sons of God!
In the natural, Jesus and the cross is the physical door to the Spirit.
In the supernatural of the Spirit, the Word of God is the doorway of the Spirit.
For everyone born again of the Spirit, the Holy Ghost (Spirit of Truth) lets us go in and out of the Spirit to commune with the Father now in prayer in order to know His will personally and individually so we can do it!
Again, hiding or removing the Spirit of Truth (the Holy Ghost) from the King James New Testament is a very bad idea. Still, some of the clergy today like it and propagate it.
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Please remember, God is a Spirit. More specifically, God is THE one and holy Spirit, THE Holy Spirit! As the Holy Spirit:
God and all aspects of God are one Spirit, THE Holy Spirit! The Holy Spirit is a noun, a name for a thing. The personas of the Holy Spirit make it a noun for a person ONLY to the extent of the personas. The distinction is crucial, and getting it right brings revival!
God is the Holy Spirit, the Father is God, and the Father partially comprises the Holy Spirit. (There are 13 King James New Testament scriptures using the term "God the Father".)
God is the Holy Spirit, the Word is God, and the Word partially comprises the Holy Spirit.
God is the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth (Holy Ghost) is God, and the Spirit of Truth (Holy Ghost) partially comprises the Holy Spirit. There are 17 King James New Testament scriptures proving the Holy Ghost is God, but replacing the term Holy Ghost (Spirit of Truth) with "Holy Spirit" waters down the Word. In the English language, the replacement changes the context of the noun from the persona of the Father to the general context of God, a thing.
Reproof: Even before Jesus was raised from the dead and the Holy Ghost was not yet given to mankind because Jesus was still on earth, the Word proves each persona of God is a Holy Spirit.
The Holy Ghost (Spirit of Truth) teaches us all things and reminds us of what Jesus (the Word) said. It's a personal relationship!
(Here again, if you do not use the King James Bible, you will be confused. Remember, ALL, EACH, and EVERY "version" of the Bible that is not the King James has corrupted the Word of God. That's very, very bad because the Word is the son of God the Father, and the way we come to know the Father personally is by the Holy Ghost-the Spirit of Truth.)
Reproof: Consider the apple pie example we used earlier. If you have one piece of an apple pie, it is not proper to say that one piece is the entire apple pie. Changing the term Holy Ghost to Holy Spirit corrupts the Word of God by changing what was intended as the "Spirit of Truth" specifically as the means the Father gave us to know Him personally and individually. Replacing the term Holy Ghost, meaning the Spirit of truth, with the larger term for God generally hides the pathway to open communication with the Father Himself! It also hides the personal accountability to do the Father's will individually. Many church leaders and "churchy people" like it that way because the church leaders stay in power as the middleman when, in actuality, they separate man from God, see the reference to the Church of Pergamos.
The Hubble Space Telescope provides a detailed look at the core of the giant spiral galaxy Messier51 (M51). These images, taken at different wavelengths of light, reveal complex structure and detail in the galaxy's core, which is thought to hide a massive black hole.
Metaphor? Coincidence?
The core of the whirlpool galaxy. Most sources agree that M51 is located around 25 million light-years away. A "light year" is about six trillion miles!
But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. 2 Peter 3:7.
But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night;...the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. 2 Peter 3:10.
Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:
Luke 12:51.
Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
Matthew 10:34.
As the Father gives Himself as the Holy Spirit, Jesus gave Himself so we may become children of God by that same Spirit according to the Father's will.
Jesus did many other things too numerous to mention.
No. Jesus said He did not come to send peace on earth, but a sword (Luke 12:51 and Matthew 10:34 above).
The Word is what divides mankind into two groups. It separates the believers as the saved from the unbelievers who remain the damned.
Yes, Jesus proved it. The scriptural proof is presented in the Foundations following this one. For now, consider this:
The Word and Holy Ghost in us are the means by which we are adopted into the Spirit, the family of God, and do the Father's will.
The Word and the Holy Ghost live in us when we are born again because we are the "body of Christ".
The Spirit lives in the born again, and our lives in this world are said to be "in Him." As part of the "body of Christ" today, we are the people who represent Him as His ambassadors in this world, i.e., His disciples. Thus, we must be equipped as He was to do the things He did as He said we would.
Albany, Oregon
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