True Christians are disciples of Jesus.
True Christians are disciples of Jesus.
...Have faith in God! Saved.Church
The Father is the soul of God.
The Father's Word, the "Word of God", is the servant of the Father.
The Father's spirit (truth) is the Holy Ghost (Spirit of Truth).
The Spirit of Truth (Holy Ghost) bears witness with His Word and delivers His will as prophesy as the power of His truth in the universe.
For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me...And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.
John 6:38, 40.
There are three wills specifically mentioned in the New Testament of the will of God. All the other theoretical theological discussions of the will that exist in the world are non-scriptural if they do not align with the following verse.
We should understand and consider them all. They are:
Note: The will of God is not directly stated in the verse above, but everyone should have no problem admitting there is a will of God. For example, the New Testament of the King James Bible uses the phrase "will of God" 23 times, "will of the Father" once, and "will of Him that sent me" (said Jesus) 3 times.
By definition, human "will" is determined by the outcome or resultant action of a decision or suggestive motivation. For example, we use our human will ("will of man") when we decide to overcome the will of our flesh and repent from sin. You will learn the "will of man" has one choice, live by the "will of God" or die by the "will of the flesh".
(Please note that God's will is different from man's will. My Father's will is absolute and assured. He does not need to reason because He knows all, and His will IS prophesy. Thus, decision or suggestive motivation is not part of the Father's will because He set all things in motion from the beginning.)
It's all important if you want to avoid hell, live forever as part of the true Royal Family, and co-own the universe.
But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God,
even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood,
nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
John 1:12-13 (emphasis added).
The will of the flesh is what makes us our own god, "I am flesh". Our will of the flesh is linked to what we have brought into our body (and mind) through the 5 carnal sense gates. The carnal inputs influence and shape the carnal mind. Beware:
The born again guard the sensory gates with the Word (part of the Spirit) like a filter to avoid the vulnerabilities of our flesh but we still make mistakes.
To emphasize the fact Jesus knew the Spirit is incorruptible and eternal, and the flesh is temporal and decays, He said:
Remember, Jesus did not sin but said His flesh was not good, but only God (the Spirit) is good.
Those of us who live in forgiveness of sin chose the will of God as the way to live forever as He promised.
We were given the Spirit of eternal life just as Jesus said we would. He also said we live forever with Him in the house of our Father, the universe of His will, always in love, because He is God and God is love!
Remain penitent and humble.
Living in pursuit of the will of God should become our way (pattern) of life when we are born again.
The master is Jesus. All of us who are born again comprise the body of Jesus the Christ as the children of God, now on earth. The term "body" is used in the context of a group of people alike in belief, acting in one accord and one mind (the Word of God and the mind of Christ).
No matter how we look, our lifestyles should reflect being born again of the Spirit because we are the light of the world and beacons in the groups and communities we are in. Some must repent and leave their current group because it isn't God's will they stay in, but the group from which they depart is an easy mission field. Who knows more about where you came from and the sin you left than you? Be willing to help others find their way out of the darkness you were once in with them.
Thus, we come to the Lord as we are. The Spirit will grow the change in us from the inside out according to the Father's purpose that He purposes in us, always in love.
It's time for us to shine and help people find salvation or at least plant a seed for it.
Jesus said "might" receive the promise because some will fall away and lose it all in the sea of Apostasy.
The will of man is the gatekeeper of his greatest possession, his own soul.
The will of man is a decision maker, by the faculty of decision, influenced by man's belief in whatever truth he adopts. Thus, the spirit of man (the truth in him) influences man's governance of his eternal soul because a man will always choose what he believes.
If a person believes God's will is most important, the person shall pursue God's will. If a person does not believe the Father's (God's) will is most important, the person shall pursue the will of the flesh.
The Father is all-sufficient and we know Him according to His will, in the way He chooses. He chose to speak to everyone through His Word as it is written in the King James Bible (the "Bible"). He speaks to His children individually through His spirit, the Spirit of Truth (the Holy Ghost). Other books that call themselves Bibles have changed the Word of God, removed the reference to the Holy Ghost, and hidden the means by which the Father established to speak to His children individually. That is not God's will.
Beware, God said:
The Word and the Holy Ghost always agree on the Father's will.
For clarity, the Holy Ghost is how humans communicate directly with the Father when we become His children. The Father made it possible, according to His will, when He placed His Spirit inside a human for the first time. Of course, that human is named Jesus.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ presented in the New Testament of the King James Bible brings eternal life by the will of God for all who believe it. The will of the flesh prefers friendship with the world bringing sin and death.
Albany, Oregon
You may use, copy, link to, and distribute anything on this site provided you give attribution naming where you got it. You may not create derivative works from the content provided here. People did that to the King James Bible, and in doing so, they caused a lot of confusion and led people astray. Jesus said, I give you power over all the power of the enemy, and nothing by any means shall hurt you!
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