True Christians are disciples of Jesus.
True Christians are disciples of Jesus.
"Christian" is a made-up word.
"...And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.
Acts 11:26.
Jesus always used the word "disciple" for His followers who believed in Him (and the Word which He is).
...If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;
John 8:31.
The first elements of faith that bring salvation to each of us are belief in Christ and the cross for forgiveness of sin, and repentance!
Knowing the will of God is a great thing, doing the will of God is more difficult. We all make mistakes because the worldly sinful will of the flesh overtakes us at times. Always live penitently.
Remember, we, the born again by the Spirit unto righteousness through repentance, barely make it into heaven.
Yes. All of us who are born again of the Spirit (the saved) are supposed to be loving as God is love, but if trying to save someone from death with the truth would offend their feelings should we let them die? Is that loving? God doesn't think so.
He knows us when His spirit lives in us.
Recall, the spirit (truth) of Jesus the Christ is the Word of God.
Recall, the spirit (truth) of the Father is the Holy Ghost (the Spirit of Truth) that also dwells in us. The Holy Ghost (Spirit of Truth) bears witness to the Word by reminding us what Jesus (the Word) said (says), teaching us all things, and quickening our mortal bodies such that nothing by any means should harm us as we are about the Father's will.
Albany, Oregon
You may use, copy, link to, and distribute anything on this site provided you give attribution naming where you got it. You may not create derivative works from the content provided here. People did that to the King James Bible, and in doing so, they caused a lot of confusion and led people astray. Jesus said, I give you power over all the power of the enemy, and nothing by any means shall hurt you!
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