True Christians are the disciples of Jesus, the Word of God.
True Christians are the disciples of Jesus, the Word of God.
Yes. This is so because every human is disconnected from God's Spirit because of sin.
As we said previously, when our body dies, our eternal soul will follow the destination of our spirit. Those who are born again of the Spirit of God will live forever in paradise with Him. Those who remain unregenerate and not renewed by the Holy Ghost will die forever in the torments of hell, the opposite of paradise.
Unless we have a savior to cleanse us of our past sins, we will all perish. Jesus is that one and only savior. He also proved the truth of God's Word.
The Spirit gives eternal life according to the gospel of salvation contained in His Word provided we are willing (desire) to make God number one in our lives.
Yes. According to the Word in the Bible, “transgression” of God’s will is “bigger” than sin. By way of analogy, if the transgression of God’s will is a large circle, the circle of sin fits inside it. This is so because God’s will is the highest form of rule and the foundation of every law and commandment in the scriptures. (Please note, the Bible sometimes refers to the transgression of God’s will as sin, simply because of the overlap in meaning.)
If we come to know “sin” is the breaking of a written law and/or commandment, as in the breaking of one of the Ten Commandments, we begin to understand that “transgression” is disobedience to God’s will whether it is written down or not. As such, we come to know God as a Father only through the Spirit, because our flesh is iniquitous and sinful.
All of this is better understood in the context of the first transgression of God’s will. The first transgression was the first time mankind disregarded (didn't believe) the Father's Word. It happened when mankind decided God's way (will) was not sufficient for him, and he chose to follow the will of his flesh in disobedience of the will of God.
In the depiction of the fall of man in Genesis 3, the first transgression of the Word of God reinforces the importance of God’s will and the Spirit (the Word). Therefore, even if we question the imagery or facts presented in the Bible with respect to the “forbidden fruit” as the first transgression depicted in the Bible, the underlying message and lesson are clear. God reigns supreme, His will makes Him sovereign, and His will is conveyed to man in His Word.
At a time when there was no written “Law” and before the first transgression of God’s will, the Bible says the first man and his wife both lived potentially forever so long as they obeyed God’s word, i.e., did what God said as their Father. Their home was a perfect environment, having everything they needed for continual sustenance and perpetual survival in a paradise environment free from sin and very unlike the world today.
Yes. As residents in God’s garden, Adam and Eve were permitted to partake of everything situated therein, except the fruit of a specific tree called the fruit of the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil” (i.e., the “forbidden tree/fruit”). In fact, God told the first man and woman they would surely die if they ate the forbidden fruit, and they did.
The first man and woman proved God’s Word is truly a double-edged sword as it cuts both life or taking it. Today, we must believe His Word to live and not die!
...the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,
thou shalt not eat of it...
Genesis 2:16-17.
Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.
Genesis 3:1-5.
“In that day” mankind lost his connectivity to the Father whom we come to know by His will and through His Word. Stated another way, our Father in heaven reveals Himself to us according to His will. The Father told the first man and woman to avoid the forbidden tree. When the first man disobeyed (rejected) His Word, man chose another way to live and placed God second and God accommodated his choice. That choice befell on all of mankind.
No, but he did receive a death sentence, i.e., his body would die over time. Before his transgression, man would live forever by the will of God.
The Bible says Adam and his wife lived in the flesh a long time after their transgression and banishment from the garden. In fact, the Bible says Adam was 930 years old when his flesh body finally died.
But note, in comparison to eternity even 930 years is a brief time and one day for the Lord.
Coincidence? No.
Despite what many bible teachers say, mankind did not die a spiritual death when the first transgression occurred. Man was not born of the Spirit of God originally. Nowhere in the New Testament is a spiritual death of the first man ever discussed, mentioned, or defined as such because he was of the earth and earthy. The first man was made from the dust (elements) of the earth. Only Jesus is the Father's begotten.
We reprove this fact below.
Yes. While the entire Bible, particularly the difference between the Old Testament and New Testament, proves Adam was not born of the Spirit of God, could the first man, or at least part of him, have been part of the Spirit of God and still die in order for every descendant of humankind to be spiritually dead at birth as some people claim?
No. God never dies. He is God of life. He is supreme or He is not God.
The Word of God is true, as guaranteed. Otherwise, His Word is optional and the death sentence on Adam was arbitrary. Therefore, we must consider Adam as a trinity of parts in man to find out what part of him “died”, if at all. The question then becomes, what part of man must have been of the Spirit of God IF Adam died spiritually? The answer to this question also proves Jesus is God because of the Word in Him (i.e., the spirit of Jesus the man) since conception.
Adam had a body, soul, and spirit like every person.
Was the first man’s body of flesh and bones a “glorified” spiritual body? No. The Bible clearly says the first man “is of the earth” and earthy.
Setting aside our carnal practice of embalming (preserving) a dead body as an advanced wet form of mummification, the human body returns to the earth when the body dies.
Was the soul of the first man of the Spirit of God? No. Even though all mankind was made a living soul (Genesis 2:7), our natural “bloodline” is human and composed of the elements of the earth. The ONLY eternal soul from the beginning is the Father Himself. If man’s soul were of the Spirit of God, Adam would be part of the Father who is the soul of God, or he would at least be part of the eternal God in some way (see, Matthew 12:18 and Isaiah 42:1), and thus interminable as being of the Father’s “bloodline” of the Spirit.
Therefore, was Adam’s spirit/will of man of the Spirit of God and Adam’s spirit/will of man is the piece that allegedly died spiritually? No, but not surprisingly, this one gets the “closest”. Only Jesus had the Spirit of God in Him from birth. The spirit of Jesus is the Word, and He is the Christ because of the Word. Stated another way, Jesus is the only human begotten of God the Father as a human.
Albany, Oregon
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