True Christians are disciples of Jesus.
True Christians are disciples of Jesus.
From Websters 1828 dictionary,
Frowardness leads to corruption.
The Word of God tells us about the corruption we must avoid in these last days.
Now I beseech you, brethren,
The last times are here:
Repent and return to the Word. Like the parable of the wayward son, they left of their own accord and now they must repent and return of their own accord.
He answered and said unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.
Mark 7:6.
Yes. The decay of this world is in many of the congregational churches within our communities. The book of Revelation speaks of many community churches that have fallen away from pleasing God, see Revelation chapters 2 and 3.
Sadly, wherever community churches adopt the normalization of the world's standards to make friends with the world they go against the will of God and His Word. They often do so to please the world, keep the cancel culture happy, or make sure money is paid into their coffers, etc. We have seen this throughout history; it is not uncommon. Why is this? Whenever gain takes the place of godliness, the church is blind and fails. (FWIW, gain is one of those things the will of the flesh pursues quite readily.)
Never forget, Jesus is the Word and He must know you.
We know, and you probably do too, that many community churches prefer money and keeping people happy instead of sharing the truth of the Word of God, or they simply do not know the Word. All of them are in danger.
For example, no community church built on the foundation of the Word of God flies the gay flag as if God approves of the gay lifestyle. He doesn't.
Hence, we find reproof of their choice to live by the will of the flesh over the will of God because they believe His ways (His Word) are insufficient to please them. Lucifer did that too.
Ephesus: Leaving the Word as our first love.
The fearful and unbelieving.
Smyrna: Desiring to be rich ($) or claiming gain is godliness.
The fearful idolaters.
Pergamos: Standing between man and God.
The fearful murderers and henchmen.
Thyatira: Sexual sins; affirming the LBGTQ+? whatevers;...
The fearful whoremongers.
Sardis: Doctrines of cheap grace or many versions of God making repentance obsolete.
The fearful abominable.
Philadelphia: The posers in the pews.
The fearful sorcerers who seek to convert others to their pernicious ways in rebellion.
Laodicea: The double-minded.
The fearful liars.
The attached file (below) is a drawing by Clarence Larkin circa 1920.
the-messages-to-the-seven-churches (jpg)
Albany, Oregon
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