True Christians are disciples of Jesus.
True Christians are disciples of Jesus.
It is very important to understand what the enemy (the devil) is and know it can only try to give us that which it has/is because it has NO additional powers beyond its identity. God made sure of that.
When we know what the devil is, we see its limitations and know it is powerless over anyone born again by the Spirit of God. We make ourselves vulnerable when we think or understand otherwise. The unsaved, however, are taken captive at the enemy's will by its snare.
(A snare captures a body by holding it with a cord using a slip knot. A snare is not a net. The snare of the enemy catches us by the "thorn in the flesh", our will of the flesh.)
From the perspective of heaven before the devil became the enemy, the devil was a cherub named Lucifer in the realm of the Spirit. Lucifer challenged God's almighty status and supremacy. No, God was not surprised. In response, the evil cherub was sentenced to a state of eternal torment and destruction. The Father bound it to a single state of existence (fear) and cast it out of heaven along with the others who followed Lucifer.
The enemy knows it will be destroyed in torment forever, and it definitely fears destruction by the wrath of God mightily. The devil will always exist in fear of the impending torment from God's imminent wrath. In fact, the devil is synonymous with hell as part of the pit itself.
For reproof, read the following verses. You may choose to read the bold only for a faster grasp, but hold onto your seat.
Yes. God said the devil would be nothing more than a terror.
Webster's 1828 dictionary defines "terror" as:
We know God is not evil and He does not tempt.
Thus, God did not create the enemy to terrorize mankind or give us a spirit of fear.
When the Father cast the enemy out of heaven, He said it would be a terror per se (in itself) and bound the evil angel (a spirit) in an eternal state of terror/fear.
God made Lucifer the spirit of fear per se (in itself), and it will remain so forever, even in hell in the end.
The spirit of fear is also called the "spirit of error" to include the many minions of the devil. Those minions ("serpents and scorpions") are all the ways the devil uses to meet the demand for mankind's fears that God is insufficient for him in some way.
One can say the devil is the spirit of fear and the spirit of error because God is sufficient in every way.
If we read how the enemy, the devil, came into being and understand God stripped it of all power and bound it to an existence of terror in itself, we find its true state. Creepy images, Follywood, etc., portray the devil as mighty. In reality, it is mighty weak and literally bound (trapped) in fear.
The enemy is the devil. The devil is the evil spirit that roams the earth. So beware, the devil is the god of this natural world.
Thus, despite what some people choose to believe, God the Father in Heaven is not the “god of this world.”
God in heaven does not do evil, but the devil is evil. All evil comes from it. All evil is based on a sentiment that God is not almighty, sovereign, etc., as explained in detail below.
From God's perspective as the almighty sovereign, evil is a belief that He (God or His will) are in some way insufficient for us. For example, rejecting Jesus or the Word of God is a rejection of God the Father.
Rejecting God makes you His adversary because you side with the god of this world as a friend of it.
The enemy, the devil, knows God will destroy it and all who rise up against Him thinking in their heart that God is insufficient in some way, for they are His enemy who shall receive His wrath. The target of the enemy is mankind but the enemy has no power against God (or the born again).
God calls the devil a thief, among other things.
The devil seeks to devour everyone.
Please note: God is your loving Father if you want Him to be, or He is your adversary if you reject Him. It's up to you. Choose to become born again (saved) and a child of the almighty God.
We were made in the image and likeness of God, and we have the power to become sons of God. The devil is the enemy of God and the enemy of the Father's children, starting with the Jews and Jesus.
The devil knows the pathway to destruction is challenging God's sufficiency. The Word of God is God, and the Word promises salvation for the believer according to the Father's will. The devil challenges the Word of God that promises salvation for the believer, and the enemy tempts humans to do the same.
Remember, the devil is fear per se (in itself), but the children of the Father are born again by the Holy Spirit of power (the Holy Ghost), love (the Father), and a sound mind (the Word-the mind of Christ).
Recall that the enemy (the devil) can only give that which it has as the god of this world. It is the spirit of fear (error). The devil uses itself, the spirit of error that the Father, His Word, and/or His Spirit of truth (the Holy Ghost) is not almighty and sovereign, and the enemy tempts people to believe the same way. Our flesh is the target. Our will of the flesh is the inroad into us because mankind is corruptible by nature because he is of the flesh and naturally desires the pleasures of his body over the will of God.
An unbeliever of the Word (God) or the sufficiency of the Father's ways (will), shall look to the world for satisfaction. In doing so, they rely on the sufficiency of their flesh to decide what is good and befriend the world to get "it". As a friend of the world they become an enemy from God and shall be destroyed.
The enemy, the devil, uses anyone and/or anything it can to tempt your flesh causing you to separate yourself from complete faith in the sufficiency of God and/or His ways. The devil's approach is only through flesh (body and mind) because the Spirit gives life.
Anyone who is not born again of the Spirit is easily manipulated by the devil.
We have all been wayward at some time, but God's will is that nobody is lost. He desires a church comprised of fearless children because He is their Father. The fearful become the enemy's children. They will lose their soul and suffer the wrath of God because He is just.
Fear of God as almighty is reverence toward God because He is God. The born again (saved) know Him as their Father. Any fear other than a righteous fear of God comprises the enemy's spirit of fear that God is insufficient because the Spirit of God is perfect love and all-sufficient.
Our will of man governs the disposition of our soul by choosing eternal life according to the will of God (the Spirit) or eternal death according to the will of our flesh that dies when our body dies. The enemy works through our will of the flesh; it is literally the enemy's "outside-in" inroad into man.
The enemy's spirit of fear (also called the spirit of error) manifests in man through the will of the flesh in literally any way he lets it. Whenever someone thinks God is insufficient for them, the will of their flesh has opened the door for the enemy to come in. This happens when someone leaves the Word and/or abandons the truth of it. Interlineated for clarity with text in [brackets].:
Fear is the only tactic of the enemy, the god of sin and death, because fear is the only spirit it has/is. The enemy was constrained by God the Father to inhabit only that state of existence.
The enemy, the spirit of fear that God is insufficient or not almighty, gains access into us through our mind first when we doubt God is almighty and all-sufficient. Of course, those thoughts are lies. The enemy is a liar and the father of lies.
A fear God is insufficient is the pathway to hell. Recall that the devil became the devil because of it.
Anyone who falls victim to the enemy's spirit of fear is blinded and is, by definition, fearful that God is in some way not powerful enough, not loving enough, not sound in mind, not good enough, not fun enough, not strong enough, not satisfying enough, etc., and not the best choice. If they didn't have a bogus fear that God is inadequate, they would choose the ways of God over the enemy in an instant.
The enemy is powerless over the born again, the elect, who live by the Spirit! However, even the very elect may be deceived by false prophets and false Christs if they do not know the truth.
God said the pure Word is the way we resist all evil including false prophets and false Christs.
We have all been wayward at some time, but God's will is that nobody is lost. He desires a church comprised of fearless children because He is their Father. The fearful become the enemy's children. They will lose their soul and suffer the wrath of God because He is just.
Everyone who is not born again of the Spirit goes to hell. Also, there are seven buckets of evil that get poured into the lake of fire made for the spirit of fear (the devil), and the unsaved (unrepentant). All sin is in one of the buckets. The seven fearful buckets of evil are:
Why not 8, or 10, or 50 buckets? There is no need for more. All forms of evil fit under the header of fear, and more particularly, a fear that God or His ways are insufficient. Thus, all 7 buckets of evil are derived from the spirit of fear, the enemy, even though there may be many names for the many variants of sin.
Please note: Everyone, even the born-again, are fearful at times. It is here where the Comforters (plural), the Word and the Spirit of Truth (the Holy Ghost) together, prove the will of God that we be not fearful. Cling to the Word. Use the scriptures to resist fear because fear IS the enemy.
Albany, Oregon
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