True Christians are disciples of Jesus.
True Christians are disciples of Jesus.
Jesus is the Word. He said:
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me;...
Matthew 11:29.
The Words says:
Study to shew thyself approved unto God,
a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,
rightly dividing the word of truth.
2 Timothy 2:15.
The most reliable Bible is, without a doubt, the King James Bible. It is also the ONLY New Testament that can be reconciled using only its words.
Furthermore, despite what so many for-profit publishing companies would have you believe and the numerous faulty references to the King James Bible as a "version" as if the Word of God has many variants from which we can pick and choose, the King James Bible and New Testament are NOT a "version." The King James Bible IS the Bible, and all others are the "versions". ALL the "versions" cannot be reconciled by the words written in them. This fact should cause great concern if you want the truth.
The King James Bible was given to the public from the day it was produced. It's free and has been since 1611, long before the "versions." People and publishers changed the Word to make money selling copyrighted books to cash in on religion, and in doing so, they separated man from the Father.
Proof: "The English Hexapla" of the New Testament was originally published by Samuel Bagster and Son, England. It is now hard to find and available as print-on-demand only. The English Hexapla contains all six of the original English language translations of the New Testament. They are: Wyclif (1380), Tyndale (1534), Cranmer (1539), Geneva (1557), Rheims (1582), and the King James (1611). Not surprisingly, all six are almost word-for-word identical, and each is consistent with respect to the trinity of God and the use of the term "Holy Spirit" to mean the Spirit of God, the "Spirit," comprised of the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost. Thus, the reliability of the King James New Testament cannot be successfully challenged.
Yes. Since it was written in 1611, the King James Bible (the "Bible") is the foundation for all the later "versions" of the Bible, as mentioned previously. All of the versions are "derivative works" (a copyright law term) written by others who changed the Word to create a new "version."
In copyright law, a "derivative work" is a work of authorship that is derived from a previous work. The derivative work cannot be distributed or sold unless the previous work from which it was derived is in the public domain, such as the King James Bible, or the author/owner of the copyright to the previous work grants permission. That's also why we see so many "versions" get "updated" over time. It's an opportunity to sell another book because your edition is outdated. The King James Bible is never outdated.
(Note: The Bible must be timeless, meaning the scriptures must consistently present God's identity throughout, covering the past, present, and future of human history even though He reveals Himself differently as history progresses. This is where the context of the scriptures is important. Please use the King James Bible. If all believers did that, we would all be in one mind and one accord, and great revival would occur.
Beware: The attached document (bottom of this page) briefly lists the versions that changed the Word of God.)
Yes. The term “Holy Ghost” is used 89 times in the New Testament of the King James Bible. [H]oly Spirit is used four times in some form. The term “Holy Spirit” is used once, and the term "holy Spirit" is used three times. The context of every use is significant, and don't forget that the Word is timeless. (Underlining emphasis is added to the text below.)
Jesus used the term Holy Spirit to describe the entire Spirit of God as the good gifts from the Father, the origin of the Holy Spirit of God. The term wasn't used to limit the context to the Holy Ghost, or the term Holy Ghost would have been used. See John 7:39.
Paul the apostle used "holy" as an adjective. The use is not limited to the Holy Ghost.
No. "Holy Spirit" can mean the Father, the Word, the Holy Ghost, and any combination of the three. The Holy Ghost means the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of Truth. Changing the Holy Ghost to the Holy Spirit causes confusion.
Reproof: If the versions can change “Holy Ghost” to “Holy Spirit” as if they were interchangeable, what about changing the one occurrence of “Holy Spirit” and the three instances of "holy Spirit" to “Holy Ghost”? If we made those four changes, the Word would change significantly because the context of the above verses would incorrectly limit the Spirit only to the context of the Holy Ghost (the Spirit of Truth).
Result: Confusion results from changing the Holy Ghost to the Holy Spirit.
Changing the Word of God corrupts it, causing confusion and quenching of the Spirit.
Webster's 1828 dictionary defines "Quench" as: "1. To extinguish; to put out; as, to quench flame. 2. To still; to quiet; to repress; as, to quench a passion or emotion.
3. To allay or extinguish; as, to quench thirst. 4. To destroy. 5. To check; to stifle; as, to quench the Spirit. 1 Thessalonians 5:19."
In all circumstances involving a "version" other than the Bible, the King James, please use your version alongside the King James Bible. A digital copy is provided below if you need one.
Why? Your New Testament cannot be reconciled using only the words in it. Even worse, if it removed the term Holy Ghost as written in the Bible, it will never directly teach you how the Father wants to communicate with you as an individual.
The Holy Ghost is the way we come to know the Father on earth. The enemy has tried to hide that fact by seducing men to change the Word for money, power, prestige, fame, influence, etc.; all the fleshly stuff the enemy uses to tempt people to sin.
Think of it this way: were the authors of the "versions" really led by God to change His Word and, in some cases, hide Him from us by removing the references to the Holy Ghost? Did mankind think He could improve the Word they thought was insufficient?
The Father does not approve of His Holy Ghost being removed from the English language translations of the Bible.
No. The later "versions" changed the "Holy Ghost" to "Holy Spirit", but changing the Word of God is never a good idea.
Ask anyone (including your pastor) why the "versions" of the Bible changed Holy Ghost to Holy Spirit and many will say because the King James is too hard and you need a teacher or they will make something up because there is NO good reason to do so.
God, the Word, says there will be teachers in the Church.
For example, even the book sold as the "New King James Version" changed the Word of God, and the publisher tried to fool people by trading off the name King James. The publisher of the New King James Version is HarperCollins, a for-profit company that changed the Holy Ghost to Holy Spirit, among other foolish changes made for money. They own a federal trademark registration to trade off the name of the original King James Bible, which has been in the public domain since 1611. By definition and law, trademark registrations protect brands for goods sold in commerce.
The "New King James Version" is a brand for a book sold to make money and nothing more (see below).
The author of Saved.Church is a God-called teacher of the Word.
For example, any book titled “New King James Version” (above) is a copyrighted work derived from the original King James Bible (the Bible), which has been in the public domain and free of charge since 1611. The “New King James Version” trademarks/brands (below) are owned by a publisher. The brands are federally registered in the United States Trademark Office in conjunction with the sale of the listed goods (i.e., the books) the trademark owner calls a "bible." However, the book associated with the New King James Version trademarks cannot be the King James Bible or the trademark couldn't be registered.
All books sold under the brand and title "New King James Version" improperly changed "Holy Ghost" to "Holy Spirit," among many other changes that separate the individual from God. The book titled New King James Version isn't reconcilable by what is written in it. It is not the Bible. The "New King James Version" is vulgar by King James's standards.
No doubt, changing the King James Bible to create a "version" of it by replacing the Holy Ghost in the New Testament with the term Holy Spirit corrupts the Word of God and separates man from the Father but the publishers may make a lot of money.
The original King James Bible is the Word of God. It is reconcilable! We proved it before we launched this site and let you reprove it by giving you the foundational basics you need.
Exposing the versions. (pdf)
DownloadThe Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: Romans 8:16.
This means we are born again as evidenced by the Spirit of God (the Holy Spirit) bearing witness with our spirit (truth) in us that we are the children of the Father (God).
Using what you know now, compare your version to the King James New Testament by looking for the use of Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit, holy Spirit, and Spirit. We know the Spirit (of God) is most certainly holy ("Holy"). Many of the most popular versions are listed by acronym and identified in the key at the bottom.
Also notice the oddities in the key. Oddly, there is an NIV and a NIVUK. Does that mean the people in the UK have a different NIV than America, when proper English came from the English? Publishers change the Word for money. Please do not forget that fact.
(The examples we provide on this site are definitely NOT the only examples of how the "versions" have corrupted the Word.)
Note: The use of Spirit in the first instance of the verses above refers to the Word of God as the Spirit. The Spirit is available instantly for us to partake of (drink) through the Word of God and shall flow from us if we believe in Him, Jesus the Word. The Spirit isn't postponed, or nobody could be born again in their lifetime on earth. We are born again by (according to) the Word of God.
EVERY time the King James Bible uses Holy Ghost it gives the proper context. To replace the Holy Ghost changes the context, corrupts the Word, prevents learning of Him, and separates man from the Father. See for yourself. I'll do a few to point out the problems.
AMP (confusing):
[The bracketed language is in the Amplified Bible (AMP) Copyright © 2015 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, CA 90631. All rights reserved.]
The obvious problem: Is the [Holy] Spirit the Holy Ghost, and is the second use of the word Spirit "unholy"? What does afterward mean? After what?
ESV (confusing):
English Standard Version (ESV) Copyright ©2001 by Crossway Bibles.
The obvious problem: Was the Spirit given or not? The ESV suggests the Spirit was not yet given, but it had been given as the Word of God.
NKJV (confusing):
New King James Version (NKJV) Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson.
The obvious problem: Is the first use of "Spirit" holy or not? Is it the same "holiness" as the Holy Spirit? Can Holy Spirit also mean the Word or the Father? If not, why replace the Holy Ghost with the Holy Spirit, knowing the change is unnecessary and may cause confusion?
Comment: The for-profit company Thomas Nelson Publishers owns the copyright and earns a profit, selling scriptures that are different from the original King James Bible which is free and always has been.
AMPC (confusing):
Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC) Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation.
The obvious problem: If the [Holy] Spirit can be the Word, the Holy Ghost, and/or the Father and it isn't the first use of Spirit, is the first use "unholy," or can it be the Holy Ghost which we know had not been given? If [Holy] Spirit means Holy Ghost, why change it? Comment: The AMPC is a copyrighted work a publisher owns. They alone made six different versions of the Bible!
NIV (confusing):
New International Version (NIV) of the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® All rights reserved worldwide.
The obvious problem: The Spirit is given the moment we believe. That Spirit (the Word) leads us to repentance and becoming born again, saved.
Comment: The NIV is blasphemous because it says we don't get the Spirit until later, whenever that is, but the living water is in us the moment we drink (partake of the Word), and it flows from us for others to drink the moment we believe.
ASV (confusing):
The obvious problem: The ASV suggests the Spirit was not yet given, but it had been given as the Word of God.
DARBY (confusing):
The obvious problem: Was the Spirit available or not? The DARBY version creates confusion. The Spirit was given as the Word of God.
I'll leave the rest to you. Please see the attached document titled "The Holy Ghost Changed to Holy Spirit: A Murderous Doctrine of Cessationism" (below).
Albany, Oregon
You may use, copy, link to, and distribute anything on this site provided you give attribution naming where you got it. You may not create derivative works from the content provided here. People did that to the King James Bible, and in doing so, they caused a lot of confusion and led people astray. Jesus said, I give you power over all the power of the enemy, and nothing by any means shall hurt you!
©2008-2024 Saved.Church. All rights reserved.