True Christians are disciples of Jesus.
True Christians are disciples of Jesus.
When our flesh dies, our eternal soul follows the destination of our spirit inside it.
The souls of the born again will be taken home to heaven and live forever in the paradise of our Father with Jesus. The rest go the hell.
The moment the body of our flesh dies, the souls of whoever chose to be born again shall be given a glorified body and be taken up to heaven and live forever in paradise with Him, Jesus is-the Word.
By contrast, the souls of whoever are NOT born again, remain unregenerate unto eternal death and their body and soul shall suffer the torments of hell where God's wrath burns His enemies forever, the opposite of paradise.
There is no third option, but remember:
We, the born again, say it like this:
The "cost" for salvation is the sinful lifestyle we lived before becoming born again.
Get the sin out of your life.
Did someone forget to tell you that?
Ye are bought with a price; be not ye the servants of men.
1 Corinthians 7:23.
Salvation is no doubt a gift. However, when you choose to become born again and live forever by the Spirit as the "saved" when your mortal body dies, "you are not your own" to do as you want as you did before, hence the cost.
For example, nobody professing to be a "LGBTQ whatever" is born again. The concept is impossible because the alphabet culture is of the flesh and the born again are of the Spirit. You cannot live for the flesh and the Spirit, and nobody who is born again ever seeks to justify their own flesh.
The world justifies the flesh and its sin.
Please note that God said trying to do both, i.e., living born again as a friend of the world in the pursuits of the flesh doesn't work.
No. There is no such thing as a sin that does not require repentance, and the concept doesn't even make sense. God hates ALL sins and loves all sinners. He sent Jesus as the atonement for ALL sins of the believers in Jesus-the Word. The Father didn't leave any sins out of His promise of forgiveness unto salvation.
The Father sent Jesus to die for all sins and for everyone who believes Jesus is the savior of the world according to the Word. The Father wants everybody to be saved by His son, Jesus the Christ.
By way of reproof using common sense, why would God the Father allow some sins to be "blessed away" by a sinful man acting as God, or even referring to man as such? He wouldn't!
As a Father, He seeks a personal relationship with each of us. Hence, the name "Father" is reserved for God the Father, and ONLY God the Father. As part of the new covenant we are under now, the pope and priests should not be called Father, and no Jew other than Jesus should be called Rabbi.
Therefore, why do the Catholics and other religions call their priests "father" when Jesus specifically said not to do that? Similarly, why do people call some Jewish religious leaders "Rabbi" when Jesus specifically said not do to that?
Please note: Having sinful men bless away sins is not only stupid but a murderous doctrine of the middleman religions. Be not deceived, God the Father has reserved His wrath and a lake of fire for the enemy, sin, death, and the unrepentant. Addressing whether or not some sins are worse than others, Jesus said of the "little white lies" many religions like to excuse or bless away by a robed seminarian supplanting God:
We know:
Why test what He said about a second death in hell by wagering your eternal soul when eternal life is easily available? It just doesn't make sense.
More on this topic here as it affects the "church", the body of Christ.
Yes. We are all bound to hell by default because of our sin. If a person does not choose the path of forgiveness according to the New Testament of the Word of God through our savior Jesus the Christ and become born again (saved when they die) they shall perish in the torments of hell forever where the sinful are literally burned forever.
How? The eternal disposition of our eternal soul is inextricably tied to our choice in this lifetime. Our choice is personal and individual to us and nobody can make it for you, ever, so never let them try. If you believe the ways of God and His Word are not completely sufficient for you, you will make the wrong choice.
The death of Jesus on the cross was payment for our sins. Believe it! That payment gives every person the “power to become” eternally alive as the sons of God by choice when they believe in Jesus-the Word and repent of their sins. Again, each of us must make our own choice regarding the final disposition of our eternal soul. Examine your source of truth. If it's of God you will choose rightly. If it's of yourself and the world, you will choose wrongly.
Therefore, our will of man chooses in response to our own spirit of truth. We choose either:
Consider the choice as a stack:
Up or down? It's your Choice. You must choose. The default is damnation because you have chosen to retain your sin. Beware, those who forego salvation, including the fake Christians who reject the Word of God yet claim to be saved are sentenced to die an eternal second death in hell with the enemy (the devil).
Yes, but don't lie to yourself as if God won't know. Jesus died openly and we do too. He gave His life to save ours from the death penalty, but His death on the cross by itself does not give us eternal life; otherwise, everyone would be saved, and nobody would go to hell, not even the devil.
Still, the Father's forgiveness is complete through Christ so there must be something we get the devil could never get. We get the Holy Ghost to dwell in us as the born again. We receive the Holy Ghost through repentance, and that's something the devil will never do! The devil is bound in fear of God's wrath and shall not repent because it cannot. The enemy/the devil is death. Believe and choose wisely.
Your decision is personal because nobody can "pray you into heaven" as if they have some control over your soul or anything to do with its eternal disposition. Such talk is stupid because it is contrary to the Bible, and the promise of salvation to each person who believes in the gospel of Jesus Christ is personal. Stated another way, the promise of salvation has no middleman other than Jesus who made it happen.
Today, His work is finished, so get the religion and priests out of your way and commune with your Father, brother (Jesus), and your born-again family, or die in hell blindly following a bogus doctrine. It's your choice. Jesus said:
Albany, Oregon
You may use, copy, link to, and distribute anything on this site provided you give attribution naming where you got it. You may not create derivative works from the content provided here. People did that to the King James Bible, and in doing so, they caused a lot of confusion and led people astray. Jesus said, I give you power over all the power of the enemy, and nothing by any means shall hurt you!
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